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Sketch for Einstein's Daydream
16x12x4 in
Paper Clay

Private collection

Because of studying Mary Frank’s work, I wanted to try smaller sketches of a figure in some type of landscape. I had been thinking about the difference between a figure in a landscape and one without one. I believe the difference is that without a figure-ground relationship a figure is a kind of ideal, an archetype. A figure in relation to a ground is a specific figure at a specific time and place, and therefore easier to relate to.

According to some texts, Frank did a great deal of preparation for each piece. I wanted to work spontaneously, so I made a pile of torsos, a pile of heads, a pile of organic shapes, and found an inspired spontaneous day of random assembly--a pleasant way to use paper clay, for this would be impossible with regular clay.

This small wall mounted piece is one of the results.

All images and Text © Val Lyle, 2001-2006
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aGobi Design